Doing Your Research
Understand what insurance companies can offer youCar insurance coverage isn't one type fits all. Companies can offer you a variety of different levels of coverage. Generally speaking, car insurance can be broken down into three categories: liability, vehicle, and medical.
Consider the pros and the cons of the vehicle you already own or are interested in purchasing
The make and model of your vehicle will have a big impact on your insurance. Beyond your driving record (which is limited), your zip code, and the demographic of the drivers in your household, the type of car you drive is a major factor to getting a good price on insurance.
Determine your area rating
Insurance companies usually use your area of residence or your zip code to help rate your premium. If you live in an area with high crime rates, your insurance will be affected, as the vehicle is at risk of being stolen or damaged.
Compare quotes from different companies
Once you have a clear idea of the insurability of your vehicle, and what acquiring insurance means for you as a driver, look up the insurance packages offered by major insurance companies to see what each one can offer you. The easiest way to compare rates is online. The DMV has a good online site for comparing rates
Getting the Best Insurance Rate
Keep your driving record as clean as possibleMost reputable insurance companies are leery of young drivers with speeding convictions or a high number of collisions. Though it's still possible for high risk drivers to acquire car insurance, they will likely be faced with higher premiums.
Always look for student or young driver discounts
Many companies will offer a good student auto insurance discount which rewards students financially for doing well in school. The discount can also continue until a year after the student has finished school. There are also discounts available for teen drivers based on completing and passing an approved driver's education course. There are several qualifications attached to a student driver discount.
Consider a multi car insurance plan
If there is more than one vehicle in your household, you may qualify for multi car insurance. Insurance companies such as Admiral and Direct Line offer policies which allow you to build up your own no claims bonus (NCB) if you take on multi car insurance. Attaching your vehicle to a policy with more experienced drivers, such as your parents, could also give you have a better chance at a good rate.